Turn Your Many Phone Photographs Into Gifts
Photo Print Pictures September 7, 2015 Editorial Staff 0

Gift giving is a strange mix, there is all the excitement of pleasing the special person, but there is also a lot of anxiety about what gift is appropriate or good enough. Perfume feels overdone sometimes, and there is the fear that it might not be their scent. Clothes are terrifying, because the size may be too large or too small, it may not be their style. With everything that you give, there will always be something that could go wrong. With Walgreens, the answer is in your photographs.
The saying goes that it is the thought that counts. Gifts should evoke in the other person a sense that you thought it out, and they should be durable, a commemoration of the event being celebrated. This can place immense pressure on anyone. One thing you should always remember is that gifts should not be an attempt to be expensive, but to touch the soul.
How Do Photographs come in?
Photographs are vessels of history. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Every picture you have taken with this special person, is a snippet of time. That captured moment, holds everything that transpired between the two of you, all the joy that was shared on that day will reverberate through time and be recalled because of that image. Suddenly photographs seem mighty interesting, don’t they?
A Slideshow
Slideshows are usually reserved for dull, banal presentations which have every sleeping at the half hour mark. Why in the world would anyone want a slideshow? However, slideshows can be a lot of fun to make and can be used to showcase the highlights of a relationship.
To make a good slideshow, collect as many photographs as you can from as far back as you can find them. Organize them chronologically into a slideshow maker. Then you can use software like windows moviemaker to add voice, where you can narrate the history of your relationship or just say something meaningful, or simply play a song that both of you love, or to add whimsy you can play a song you both hate.
Calendars are a great gift. These are especially great for elderly parents, who do not get to see their children or grandchildren often. Find twelve great photos of you and the family out and about. Some of them can be individual shots, with a statement from the family member. Parents will love it, every time a new month comes, they get to see a new picture with a new caption.
Canvases are great for landscape photographs. Maybe you took a trip to a scenic part of town together, or maybe you went a lone and this is your souvenir. Print out the landscape on canvas, and watch how a simple picture becomes a million bucks.
Who does not love a personalized mug? A mg with a photograph and a personalized message can lift the spirit every morning as you sip your coffee. You can have these custom made at drug stores or even online.
Now that you have a few ideas find out which of these suits you. Once you make up your mind, go down to Walgreens and have your photographs utilized whichever way you want. Plus you can have them made with same day pickup, how exciting is that.
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