Photography is becoming one of the most popular hobbies among men, women, and even children, thanks to affordable smartphones and cameras. But beginners are more likely to fall for one of its uncomfortable truths, mainly because of their willingness to plunge into the craft and create beautiful photos – or at least, they think of them as beautiful in every way.
#1 Photography Requires Innate Talent
Everybody can be a good photographer! You don’t need talent – or the knack – for it especially since the knowledge and skills about photography can be learned with theoretical study, plenty of practice, and good listening skills. You must also learn at your own pace instead of comparing yourself to others who appear to be learning faster and taking better photos.
The bottom line: Photography is not a gift from the gods – it’s an art with science mixed in. You have to work hard at it from learning its principles and practices to using the equipment, all of which will require your time, energy, and effort to create beautiful images. The more you work at it, the more likely you can become Ansel Adams, or whoever it is you want to emulate, until such time that you have your own trademark way of shooting your subjects.
#2 Photography Demands More and More Equipment
This is one of the things that discourage promising photographers from pursuing the craft – camera equipment can be expensive especially when you want the newest bodies, lenses, and other accessories. But you don’t need new pieces of equipment just because these area available in the market and their manufacturers attest that these are the best for your shots. You will realize soon enough that many pieces of camera equipment are versatile in the sense that these can be used for varied purposes.
Of course, you may require new equipment since new technology makes it easier for photographers to get their desired shots. But don’t be reeled in by the hype of manufacturers, or the allure of shiny metal, or the prestige of owning the newest gear when your old gear still functions as well as you expect it to be.
#2 Bad Photographs Can be Processed
Yes, modern-day photographs can be processed to create more impact but keep in mind that post-processing is an effective tool, not a crutch that you can turn to whenever photos turn out unsatisfactorily.
You may, in fact, be worsening the photo in case of over sharpening, over colorizing, and giving too much contrast to your photos. When your photo is bad, there’s nothing that post-processing can do about it.
But when you have great photos, you will be proud to have them printed in professional labs like Wal-Mart Photo as soon as you take them.
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