Snapfish vs Shutterfly – Which is Really Better?

Snapfish and Shutterfly are the two largest online print labs in the US, and a popular choice for printing everything from traditional photo prints to wall canvases to personalized items like coffee mugs. Here we’ve set out to provide the most comprehensive comparison of Snapfish vs Shutterfly on the web….

Truths About Photography You Must Know Now

Photography is becoming one of the most popular hobbies among men, women, and even children, thanks to affordable smartphones and cameras. But beginners are more likely to fall for one of its uncomfortable truths, mainly because of their willingness to plunge into the craft and create beautiful photos – or…

Men and Photographs: Getting Better Results

With the unprecedented popularity of cameras and photography, thanks partly to the proliferation of smartphones with built-in cameras and of affordable digital cameras, men are more likely to accept being photographed in casual situations. You may be asked to photograph the men in your circle of family and friends for…

Passport Photos: Professional or DIY?
As a protocol for all passport photographs, every individual must submit one photo that meets all the standards and requirements requested by the government. This will be submitted together with the passport application. By submitting a photo that meets all necessary requirements, you are avoiding: Denial of your passport... Read more
Why Do People End Up Looking Awful in Passport Photos?
You have read all the approved requirements for a passport photo. You even had a good eight hour sleep and has asked a professional photographer to take your picture the next day. So, how come your photo still looked scary and ugly when your passport is delivered? Based on... Read more
What You Should Understand About A Photo Printer
Photographs are meant to be enjoyed, this is the simple truth of any image capturing. Be it the portraits of old that were hand painted for days, or the polaroids, or today’s cell phone selfies, image capturing is about celebrating a moment of beauty. As such, beauty should not... Read more
5 Steps to Printing a Passport Photo
Application or renewal of passports must always include an approved and acceptable passport photo. This photograph can be considered as the standard passport photo if it meets the requirements set by the US government and represent a professional, not personal, photograph. There are several facilities where you can take... Read more
How To Make Your Phone Photography Amazing with the Help of Target
Is there anyone who does not take pictures with their phones today? With the advances in lenses, and the software that has been integrated into our phones, taking photographs with phones has become not only easy but better than the old compact cameras. The plus side of phone photography,... Read more
How To Choose Photo Printing Paper at Sam’s
You took amazing shots, with the best quality camera you could find. You composed each shot, selected each location carefully, and you tweaked your lighting till you got those perfect shots. Now the time has come to print them, are you going to print them on some cheap low... Read more
Keep Your Private Photographs Private
The internet has proven itself to be a unique monster in many ways. On the one hand you can access all the information you want, and even become a modern renaissance man. You can communicate with everyone you know, and even those you do not simply through the click... Read more
Why You Need To Print Out Your Digital Photos ASAP
Today no one remembers what taking photographs on film feels like. Taking a picture today is as simple as whipping out your phone, or if you want higher resolutions you can go the way of a DSLR camera. When you are done, you can save the pictures on a... Read more
Print Marketing Is Here To Stay
With rapid popularity that the internet and social media websites have gained from people in the recent past, a lot of people in the media have said that print is dead. This has led to a mass exodus from the production of physical magazines, newspapers, and even books. Many... Read more
Where Should I Get my Passport Photo?
Passport is one of the most important documents that everyone needs. While applying for passports one needs to arrange their papers and also the passport sized photographs that happen to be one of the most important identities for the person. Even for visas, passport photos are required. At times... Read more