Cameras may seem complicated at first glance, but they’re actually not. In order for you to have a good relationship with your gadget, you have to know how to use it right. Here are the four most important things and functions you need to know about your camera.
Your Camera’s Exposure
Exposure in photography is really important because it helps determine the depth and brightness of the image. For beginners, the most crucial thing you need to remember is to always make sure your photo has the right amount of light or brightness or exposure.
However, you wouldn’t want your photos to look overly exposed because this is just unsightly. What you may want is for your photos to have natural amount of light.
Your Camera’s Aperture
Aperture in photography helps determine how much light will get into a particular image. With this you can say that aperture and exposure go hand in hand. Some people associate aperture with the pupil of the eye. Logically, the wider the pupil is, the more light passes through.
As the aperture widens and the number following the f/ symbol becomes lower, the more light gets into the camera. The result will provide you with brighter-looking images.
Your Camera’s Shutter Speed
Shutter refers to the button on the camera that you press when you want to snap n image. However, did you know that the shutter also comes with various speeds that determine the quality of the photograph?
If you want to snap pictures that are clear and smooth-looking, using low shutter speed is a must. If you want to take motion shots and you need to capture a specific moment in time, using faster shutter speed is your best option.
Your Camera’s ISO
ISO, Exposure, Light and Shutter Speed all work together when you take photos. When the ISO is high, the exposure of the photo also increases. However, when this happens, the quality of the photo also goes down. As such, the photo may look grainy and blurry.
So, you have to decide on what’s most important when taking your photographs. If you want to take motion shots that don’t need to look perfectly smooth, then using higher ISO may be a better option.
Now that you know four of the most important things you need to learn when using your camera, it’s now time to experiment on the kinds of photos you can take. Remember, you can play around with your camera’s exposure, aperture, shutter speed and ISO by manually adjusting them. Doing so doesn’t mean that your photos will automatically look grainy or overexposed. Rather, manually playing around with these features can give you more freedom to express yourself through pictures.
After you’ve learned how to manually adjust these settings, it’s now time to consider which photos you will want to be printed out. Remember, CVS has a competitive range of photo printing services and the staff there can also help you decide on which images you need to have a hard copy of.
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